Get to the Pointe — pointe

Inside San Francisco Ballet Shoe Room

Jazley Faith pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting san francisco ballet

Inside San Francisco Ballet Shoe Room

Our Instagram Bio includes a special line: "Ollivanders of Pointe Shoes," Hopefully most people know this reference - from Harry Potter and Ollivander's Wand Shop. From its premiere book, Sorcerer's Stone, its protagonist gets his very first wand. An iconic line from the scene: "The wand chooses the wizard." And pointe shoe fitting is very much the same. The crux of which ThePointeShop was founded upon and why it exists is because the pointe shoe chooses the dancer.  It was not very long ago that the way dancers used to get pointe shoes is by buying whatever brand/model their teacher...

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pointe shoe fitter reacts to BALLET TIKTOK 32

Jazley Faith ballet Ballet TikTok bloch bloch pointe shoes dance pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting tik tok TikTok

pointe shoe fitter reacts to BALLET TIKTOK 32

Reacting to Ballet Tik Tok...the series that won't quit (thank the pointe shoe gods). This week, we take a little breather from the Mama Jo series, to take a quick dip into the ballet internet pool. What's great is that anyone can enjoy ballet content. It's been incredible for platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram to give us all a peek behind the curtain of ballet at all levels. So long are the days of gate kept ballet talent - it's amazing to see dancers all over the world share their journey. What's your favorite part of ballet tik tok?...

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pointe shoe fitter's NO CRINGE reaction to ballet tik tok 31

Jazley Faith ballerina ballet Ballet TikTok pointe Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts the pointe shop thepointeshop tik tok TikTok

pointe shoe fitter's NO CRINGE reaction to ballet tik tok 31

Is the fact that Tik Tok 31 exists...psychopath behavior? Just kidding, hehe. We keep making these reactions because they keep getting watched! And for today, something refreshing: a non-cringe Tik Tok reaction. It was about time that our favorite pointe shoe fitter got to take a break (especially with a new family member on the way!) Although, these is one clip that does could be, maybe a little, traumatizing. Pointe shoes without toe pads?!  Also, what are chux?! So many questions. So much ballet internet. Enjoy!

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Reacting to BABY ballerinas (ANNOUNCEMENT!)

Jazley Faith baby ballerina ballet pointe Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting

Reacting to BABY ballerinas (ANNOUNCEMENT!)

This video is a special one. Josephine has an announcement. But before that, of course, let's watch a compilation from the cutest (and safest) corner of the ballet internet.  We love little humans - from the natural turn out and grace, to the awkward little steps, prodigy stars who are seriously unreal, and just tiny tutu babes. Were you able to guess the news? We're so excited. Our Pointe Shop family is expanding. 

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is it a ballet shoe

Jazley Faith ballerina ballet ballet core Ballet TikTok pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting

is it a ballet shoe

So we try to keep out content ballet shoe - specifically pointe shoe - focused of course. And in our tik tok reaction series, we dive deep into the ballet side of the internet. Well, recently, the algorithm has decided to push us into another deep end: the rabbit hole that is bizarre and strange shoes of the internet. This is our first foray into this side of the internet. From the perspective that only we know: is it a ballet shoe?  Because we're pointe shoe fitters, Of course we compare all footwear to a pointe shoe. ;) 

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