Get to the Pointe — Gaynor Minden

Gaynor Minden Lyra vs. Europa- Pointe Shoe Review

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Gaynor Minden Lyra vs. Europa- Pointe Shoe Review

Josephine reviews and compares Gaynor Minden's newest development, Lyra! After the closure of Gaynor Minden’s factories in America and their transition to Europe, a lot of changes occurred within the brand. Now we have two beautiful shoes, Europa and Lyra. Gaynor Minden uses a specific system for their pointe shoes that contain many specs including 5 different box shapes determining how tapered or broad the shoes are, as well as three different widths for the widest part of your foot ranging from narrow, medium and wide. With both the Lyra and Europa you also have an option for a high...

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Artificial Intelligence VS Pointe Shoe Fitter

Jazley Faith ballet ballet news Gaynor Minden How pointe shoes are made Nikolay pointe Pointe shoe factory pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting professional pointe shoe fitting

Artificial Intelligence VS Pointe Shoe Fitter

ThePointeShop's relationship with the ballet internet has been interesting, to say the least. Reaction videos and cups aside, the internet is a vast pit of knowledge that continues to get smarter and smarter. But when it comes to pointe shoes, who knows more? Artificial intelligence, or master pointe shoe fitter, Josephine Lee? In this video, it's ChatGPT - aka machine learning - versus Josephine.  In other words, could artificial intelligence fit pointe shoes effectively and safely? What do you think of this new technology? Is it applicable to the ballet world?

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Answering The Most Googled Pointe Shoe Questions (google auto complete pt. 2)

Elseana Skowronski ballerina ballet dance Gaynor Minden How pointe shoes are made pointe Pointe shoe factory pointe shoe fitting pointe shoe hacks pointe shoes professional pointe shoe fitting Q&A So Danca the pointe shop thepointeshop

Answering The Most Googled Pointe Shoe Questions (google auto complete pt. 2)

1. What are pointe shoes made of? A lot of people think pointe shoes are made of wood, but actually they're made of different fabrics and fibers, held together with glue, kind of like paper mache! There are also some newer shoes on the market which are made out of synthetic materials, such as polymer. 2. What pointe shoes last the longest? Shoe that are traditionally made will not last as long as those made with synthetic materials. Shoes such as Gaynor Minden and SoDanca Elektra typically last longer than other shoes. 3. What pointe shoes are made for wide...

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Pointe Shoe Fitting For Going To College (with Ashley Lew)

Elseana Skowronski ballerina ballet dance Gaynor Minden How pointe shoes are made magical fit pointe pointe shoe fitting pointe shoe fitting for flexible feet pointe shoe hacks pointe shoes professional pointe shoe fitting the pointe shop thepointeshop

Pointe Shoe Fitting For Going To College (with Ashley Lew)

Josephine fits Ashley Lew! When dancer's go off to college, the expense of pointe shoes can become quite overwhelming. With that said, Josephine likes to move dancers to a longer lasting pointe shoe when they get to this point in their life. One of the most common "long-lasting" pointe shoes is the Gaynor Minden! The materials they are made of are vastly different from a traditional pointe shoe, so they do not break down in the same way that many shoes do. Because of this, Ashley is able to make them last around a year, as opposed to the 1-2...

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Let's Talk About Gaynor Minden (old vs. new)

Elseana Skowronski ballerina ballet dance Gaynor Minden How pointe shoes are made pointe Pointe shoe factory pointe shoe fitting pointe shoe hacks pointe shoes professional pointe shoe fitting the pointe shop thepointeshop

Let's Talk About Gaynor Minden (old vs. new)

Have you noticed a difference in your Gaynor Minden pointe shoes? Here's the story! While Gaynor Minden used to be one of the few pointe shoe companies still producing their shoes in the United States, due to the pandemic, the factory they contracted out to had to shut down. Luckily, they did already have a factory working in Europe!  The biggest difference is in the satin. The satin on the new, European made shoe is much stiffer, making it feel tighter to your foot. Here are a few tips to transition from the U.S. made Gaynor Minder, to the European...

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