Get to the Pointe — the pointe shop

Do You Know the Ballet Alphabet???

Jazley Faith Australian Ballet ballet pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts the pointe shop thepointeshop

Do You Know the Ballet Alphabet???

We're back in the San Francisco Shoe Room for this one! In our never-ending cruise along the banks of the ballet internet, we take a delightful little detour to visit the artistry of Australian Ballet. Uploaded to YouTube in 2019, Josephine gets to watch "A to Z En Pointe." This delightful and cinematic video takes a ballet spin on the 26 characters of the Latin alphabet. Which letter bit is your favorite?

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why is ballet so dramatic

Jazley Faith ballet pointe pointe shoe fitter pointe shoes the pointe shop thepointeshop

why is ballet so dramatic

We're taking a little detour from the ballet internet to watch, well, just ballet! If we don't give Josephine a palette cleanser from time to time, she won't be able to survive out here in the ballet wilds haha. So we have some famous excerpts from Giselle, Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet! All productions from The Royal Ballet - one of the most stunning and incredible ballet companies in the world. What do you think of this format? Do you like hearing Josephine explain ballet? What ballets should we watch next?

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BALLERINAS IN THE WILD aka not in the studio lol

Jazley Faith ballerina ballet dance dance memes pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting pointe shoes the pointe shop

BALLERINAS IN THE WILD aka not in the studio lol

What happens when you take the ballerina out of the studio? Welp. It might as well be the wild lol. In this reaction, Josephine observes the typical dancer in a new space, a foregin environment. A place without marley and barres and mirrors. Anywhere but the dance studio.  Can you spot a dancer in public? Is it obvious? How can you tell?  And if you're a dancer, how does it feel to be away from your second home? 

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Pointe + Ice Skate Hybrid Shoe?!

Jazley Faith ballet pointe Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts the pointe shop thepointeshop

Pointe + Ice Skate Hybrid Shoe?!

Ballet is hard. Figure is skating is hard. Why not put the two together?  There was a very small, fuzzy clip, of this going around socials. Luckily, we had a viewer who found this extended and slightly better quality clip and emailed it to us. We do see all your suggestions on socials and emails, so keep sending them along - thank you! What's fascinating is that Darlene Gilbert actually is still alive today! We were able to watch this old time-y, Disney feeling clip to see some behind the scenes of the patent process. Super cool. Even better, was...

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pointe shoe fitter reacts to Ballet Tik Toks 34

Jazley Faith ballet Ballet TikTok pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting the pointe shop thepointeshop tik tok TikTok

pointe shoe fitter reacts to Ballet Tik Toks 34

It's that time again...Tik Tok Time! Can you believe we're on Part 34?!  The internet has been nicer to us recently.  If you're subscribed and see our posts on YouTube Community, we did a fun little callback to Cups on April 1st. It was fun while it lasted, but ultimately irresponsible and we're so thankful for such a smart audience. Now the real question is...what will be the next trend on the Ballet Internet? Ballet on Ice? Extreme pointe shoe hacks? Will cups make a comeback? What's your favorite slice of that ballet internet pie?

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