Get to the Pointe — Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts

Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21

Jazley Faith ballerina ballet Ballet TikTok pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting pointe shoes the pointe shop thepointeshop tik tok TikTok

Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21

Guess what... the "Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts" series is now drinking age! *ThePointeShop does not condone underage drinking. If of legal age, please consume responsibly.* Y'all already know what this is...Josephine vs. the ballet internet. What do we think? Comment & let us know!  

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Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts!

Jazley Faith ballet How pointe shoes are made pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting

Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts!

This week, Josephine caught a glimpse of a dream she never knew she had. BATA is a shoe museum in Canada - and after seeing this video - should we move??? This Pointe Shoe Exhibit shows the progression of the pointe shoe over time. It's so neat to see how social and historical factors played a part in creating our current obsession: the pointe shoe! 

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Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition*

Jazley Faith ballerina ballet pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoe fitting tik tok

Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition*

It's back... Cups. Is. Back. As if the Tik Tok reactions were not enough torture for our beloved Josephine, we have a new iteration of ballet internet trauma. She'll try not to cringe. That's all. Let us know if you like this new format & want more! 

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Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok 20

Jazley Faith ballerina ballet Ballet TikTok pointe pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts tik tok TikTok

Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok 20

TIK. TOK. TWENTY. It's here.  There was a time where we wondered if we would even get to the double digits with Tik Tok 10 - but we've doubled it! The ballet internet is truly a beast of it's own. In this longer edition of Josephine gets traumatized - whoops - Josephine reacts, we take another dive into the wonderful world of pointe shoes and dance in the tik tok algorithm. Enjoy :)  

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Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to How Ballet Shoes Were Made 70 Years Ago

Jazley Faith How pointe shoes are made pointe Pointe shoe factory pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts pointe shoes professional pointe shoe fitting the pointe shop thepointeshop

Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to How Ballet Shoes Were Made 70 Years Ago

Ballet is timeless. Unfortunately, the shoes involved have super short lifetimes. Does this need to change? In this week's reaction, Josephine looks at how shoes were made in the 1950's. And the amazing thing is, pointe shoes are still constructed similarly today. There has been some innovation of the pointe shoe over time - but compared to other industries, ballet can seem like it's stuck in the past. What do you think? Do pointe shoes need to change? Does this effect the relevance of ballet today?

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