Do NOT Buy Pointe Shoes from Ballet TIK TOK! (pointe shoe fitter reacts part 56)

ballet Ballet TikTok pointe shoe fitter Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts tik tok TikTok

We're back, baby with some more ballet internet goodies with a fair side of fun nonsense hehe.

Despite the little scare with the status of Tik Tok in the United States, the TPS team got you - and has reaction content for the "pointe shoe fitter reacts" series lined up!

And in more Tik Tok news - the biggest update is Josephine watching Mackenzie Davis' (@dancingwithmackenzie) try on of $25 pointe shoes from Tik Tok Shop. Woah.

Your favorite pointe shoe fairy also has lil sidekick nymph man, Dio, happily hanging out with mom & reacting as well. Whether he's reacting to the ballet internet or mom is unclear, but regardless, is wrapped in cuteness!

Let us know what your favorite bit from the ballet internet is for the next episode!

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