Pointe Shoe Fitting Kathryn Morgan!

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It finally happened: Josephine Lee fits Kathryn Morgan for pointe shoes.

After 22 years, Kathryn Morgan has finally found a pointe shoe that fits her!

Between multiple sprains on her right ankle, hyperextended knees, a disappearing heel, and trying tons of different types of pointe shoes  - Kathryn has finally found the perfect fit.

Josephine began with a bare foot analysis and took a look at Kathryn's current pointe shoe. After hearing Kathryn's concerns and struggles, Josephine selected 1 out of the 3 pairs she had pulled for Kathryn - and it fit! 

"That's the misconception a lot of people have. They think you need 2 hours for a pointe shoe fitting. The longer amount of time you have at a pointe shoe fitting, that means that the pointe shoe fitter is less experienced."

We're so thrilled that Kathryn has been able to find a pointe shoe that keeps her safe and feels comfortable for her! So many professional dancers just 'deal with it,' when their shoes are less than ideal, but we're here to help. ThePointeShop is at your service! :)

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  • Tiffanie Horner on

    You never said what brand/model you put her in.

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